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Continuing Education
Community Classes
Community Classes
Monthly Partner Massage
Bring your Mom, your bestie, or your boo for this 3 hour class to help you learn to better care for your loved ones with conscious touch. We will learn basic anatomy and simple techniques to apply in common areas of muscle tension.
Continuing Education for LMTs
Brunch + Boundaries:
LMT Support Group
Our boundaries support group for LMTs meets monthly over brunch at a local establishment. Guest speakers present a topic, followed by group sharing/discussion.
This month: La Petit Provence on 8/15
2 Ethics CEUs
Deep Tissue Skills: Posterior
Review deep posterior anatomy and learn effective techniques to deliver satisfying pressure in the most common areas of complaint.
6 CEUs
Deep Tissue Skills: Anterior
Review deep anterior anatomy and learn effective techniques to deliver satisfying pressure in the most common areas of complaint.
4 CEUs
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